Netherlands by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center BY

Appsterdam @ Waag Open Space: Apps & business modellen

Appsterdam at Waag Open Space is an inspiring evening for the community of app-developers and designers. The chance to get together, strengthen your network, exchange ideas and knowledge. The co-host of this evening is Apps for Amsterdam; the open data contest for app developers. They’ll organize an evening about Apps & business models. A theme which is closely related to, the focus of this years contest: sustainable development and implementation of Apps.


20.00 Intro and welcome by one of the organizers Apps for Amsterdam; Ivonne Dings (Waag)

20.05 tot 20.15 Patrick de Zeeuw (Co-Founder & CEO Startupbootcamp Amsterdam) tell us more about Startupbootcamp and the event 'The Term Sheet Battle', which he organizes at June 5 with AIM and Sprout.

20.15 – 20.25 Business models for App Developers
Explanation of Business Model 'Nederland Opent Data' (NOD) by John van Echtelt, Principal Business Consultant at Logica Nederland B.V. John is developing specifically for open data projects. The aim of this initiative is to stimulate providers of open data to make their data accessible and to support creative entrepreneurs to develop new services.

20.25 – 21.00 Workshop
In small groups we’ll scan the market value of your plans and ideas or check your concrete business plans on the basis of Business Model NOD.

21.00 – 22.00 Pitching business cases, feedback & discussion
Each team gets to pitch one of the business cases they developed during the 'business scan workshop', in front of Martijn Blom from 'De Investeerders Club' and the audience.

22.00 – 22.10 De Investeerders Club
Martijn Blom will close this session with a short lecture about the 'De Investeerders Club': Hollands most informal investors club.

22.10 – 22.15 Q & A

22.15 – 23.00 Drinks

About Martijn Blom
Martijn Blom is an investing entrepreneur and co-founder of Droomzaken BV. He is an entrepreneur at JongeHonden since 2003. Droomzaken ventures together with a starting entrepreneur to turn his or her dream into profitable business. The company participates in promising companies of enthusiastic entrepreneurs. Droomzaken is an organisation in which ideas, capital and entrepreneurship come together, strengthen each other and are transformed into successful companies. Leading in this process are talent, success, creativity and fun. Furthermore, Martijn often joins projects as consultant, guest lector or committee member in entrepreneurship programs and incubators at the Universities of Utrecht, Rotterdam (Erasmus), Delft, Leiden and Nijenrode.

The Term Sheet Battle
During this bootcamp "The Term Sheet Battle" all the important aspects of a Term Sheet negotiation will be treaded, in a simulation of a negotiation between an entrepreneur and an investor.

De Zeeuw: "The Term Sheet Battle is a live negotiation between a real investor and a real entrepreneur. We're going to take the mystery out of what is mostly a closed and poorly understood process: the first negotiation about a "term sheet".

Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam.

Monday June 4th, 2012. 
From 20.00 till 23.00 hrs.

This event is made possible by the AFK.

Meta data




Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam
