Commonspoly game
Commonspoly game BY-NC-SA

Common play with us!

Gaming for the commons: check out the serious game repository, based on the Common play with us evenings!

Are you done with the dominant story about the market, profit maximization and economic growth? Are your values ​​incompatible with 'buying the Main Street, tolls and exploitation'? Do you see initiatives arising from sustainability, community and public values ​​that are difficult to place within the predominant financial economic discourse?

Common play with us!

During this old-fashioned, fun game night, you will be introduced to a number of board games that focus not only on competition but also on cooperation, ethics and social issues. Games for Good.

  • A good example of this is Commonspoly. The alternative to Monopoly, was launched during ZEMOS98 festival hackcamp in Spain and then further developed during Commons Fest in Athens. The game is free to download.
  • In addition, we will play the Pandemic game, a so-called cooperative board game. The players play with instead of against each other to achieve a common goal.
  • We also look at the Digital Identity Board, in which you are made clear how much personal data you disclose to large internet platforms on a daily basis.

While enjoying a drink you can get to know these alternative games, further explore the concept of the commons and you will be challenged to use your creativity, game experience and clear mind to test games and possibly develop new game ideas based on the game.


20:00 - Introduction by Socrates Schouten (Chamber of Commons)
20:10 - Explanation games and the values behind them
20:40 - Game Time! Game and (re) design session
21:30 - Discussion & drinks

About Commons

Commons are shared resources, managed by a community from the perspective of sustainability, inclusiveness and public added value. They offer room for bottom-up initiative and citizens' own directing. In the Commons Lab, Waag generates insight into contemporary commons and brings new forms of commons into practice. Co-operation is central: organizing a shared and balanced interest between different parties.

About Commonspoly

Commonspoly turns modern Monopoly upside down and returns to the basic principle of the original game; to propose a viable world based on cooperation rather than competition. Not everything is perfect, however. You will have to fight against The Speculators. In this game we are fighting against the clock! And the help of each player is needed and welcome, because there is only one way to win: by helping each other. We have urban, health, environmental and intangible communal goods to preserve!

This event is part of Waag's Chamber of Commons and made possible by the BankGiro Lottery Fund.

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