Artist-in-residence Teresa van Twuijver and Waag's TextileLab Amsterdam present the exhibition HOPECHEST2090 | Zaans Regional Dress after the Worst Thinkable Flood. From Friday 10 to Sunday 12 December 2021, come visit the exhibition in the Theatrum Anatomicum in de Waag!
It is the year 2090. Textile is the most precious possession in a person’s lifetime. After the 2030 climate disasters, the western part of the Netherlands has disappeared under sea levels. A new Wadden island emerged and it’s called Zaankogerland. On the fictional Wadden island of Zaankogerland near Koog aan de Zaan (a Western area that lies higher than the rest of the Netherlands), residents have succeeded in producing a large part of their textiles themselves. How will the pioneers on Zaankogerland in the year 2090 dress themselves? What do they wear and what do they make within set limits of scarce materials and lost knowledge about textiles, sewing and clothing construction?
HOPECHEST2090, a polder science fiction project by artist and storyteller Teresa van Twuijver, is the prototype of a Zaankoger textile collection consisting of clothing, table linen, kitchen linen, bath linen and rags. These textiles are sustainable, waste-free, environmentally friendly and largely produced on the island. This speculative design project is an experiment in the production and processing of textiles and clothes on the fictional island of Zaankogerland in the future. The research includes materials, designs, zero waste patterns, digital manufacture, handmade crafts and innovative manifestations of homemade clothing and regionally developed styles. The final result is a handmade wearable wardrobe for all seasons and special occasions, from underwear to outerwear, all based on three guiding principles:
- From sustainability to durability.
- Sewing in a post-digital (born-again analog) context.
- Regional dress in a futuristic perspective.

Together with TextileLab Amsterdam designer Teresa van Twuijver researches the production and processing of textiles on the island of Zaankogerland in the year 2090. The research includes materials, designs, patterns, digital fabrication, handmade crafts and new manifestations of local dress. The project is about showing prototypes of the items that in 2090 are produced, worn and used on Zaankogerland and it explores the social and cultural impact of new technologies based on the following values: open, honest and inclusive.
HOPECHEST2090 is a sample archive and style room of homemade, locally produced textiles. This new heritage is generated by digital technologies. The exhibition HOPECHEST2090 is there to inform and inspire people about new and potential developments in textile and fashion.
Opening times
- Friday 10 & Saturday 11 December: 12:00-17:00 hrs
- Sunday 12 December: 12:00-16:00 hrs
Please note:
It is necessary to reserve a timeslot for this exposition. A maximum of 8 visitors is allowed in the Theatrum Anatomicum of Waag. The timeslots will last 30 minutes each, which includes walking in and out of the building. This means visitors will have (at least) 20 minutes to visit the exposition.
To enter the Waag building, we ask for a valid QR code in CoronaCheck.
Want to know more?
- Read more about Waag's TextileLab Amsterdam
- HOPECHEST2090: Read the introduction to the final booklet by Teresa van Twuijver (in Dutch)
- Essays and documented research can be found on under the heading ‘research’.
The project is financed with a ‘Room for Talent’ work grant from the Creative Industries Fund NL and is developed in collaboration with TextileLab Waag, Amsterdam.