Academy show
Waag Futurelab BY-NC-ND

Fabricademy Show

Waag is proud to present the Fabricademy Show! Come to the grand finale on Thursday 11 April and admire the exhibition and presentations of the 2023 Fabricademy participants.

Fabricademy is a globally distributed six-month program at the intersection of textiles, digital fabrication and biology. TextileLab Amsterdam, being one of the initiators of the program, mentors participants to explore and redefine the future of the textile and clothing industry through hands-on learning and knowledge sharing with experts and nodes worldwide. Over the past 12 weeks our participants applied their new obtained skills and knowledge into new concepts and alternative narratives. They will present and showcase their final work on April 11th during the festive closing of Fabricademy 2023-2024 program. 

Join us at Waag and get inspired!


18:00 - 18:30Doors open
18:30 - 19:00Introduction
19:00 - 20:00Final project presentations by Fabricademy participants
20:00 - 22:00Drinks & expo

After the festive opening, the participants' works will be on display at De Waag on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April between 12:00 and 17:00 hrs. 

During the Academy Show, you can also get more information about the next edition of the Academies and the application process.

About Waag Academy

While much knowledge can be gained in through traditional schooling activities, there are other methods that help us develop skills and prepare for the future. Waag believes in learning-by-doing, building skills and experience by doing things yourself.

Learning by doing: because what better way to prepare for the future than by designing it yourself?

That is why Waag organises several Academy programmes every year. In the Labs in the Waag building, we dive into the world of biotechnology, digital manufacturing, open-source hardware and innovation in the textile industry. This is the place for professionals, artists, curious teachers, hackers and creatives looking for knowledge, inspiration and hands-on skills.

Waag Academy's curriculum consists of different formats and covers a diversity of themes, including the ethics of technology, design thinking, co-creation and 'DIY' (do it yourself) making practices.

Fabricademy at Waags TextileLab Amsterdam

Fabricademy is taught in various places around the world, with Waag's TextileLab Amsterdam being one of the first labs to do this. Here, researchers, artists, engineers and creatives explore the future of textiles and the garment industry. Think of it as a playground for craftsmanship, heritage, technology, digital fabrication, shared knowledge and biology.

Our textile academy provides a broad overview of the latest innovations in textiles and clothing. As a student, you will attend in-depth lectures on topics such as circular fashion, wearable technology, bio-manufactured materials and sustainability. Together with experts, you will apply new knowledge to carry out your own research project within the TextileLab. You will also gain hands-on experience with digital fabrication machines such as laser cutters, 3D printers and CNC milling machines.

Interested? Visit for more information.

Meta data


22:00 hrs


7,50 (including 1 drink)




Waag Futurelab
Nieuwmarkt 4
1012CR Amsterdam

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