Sculpturen gemaakt van klei uit de Lutkemeerpolder
Esra Sakir voor Waag Futurelab BY-NC-SA

Film screening | The Gold of Amsterdam @ Cinema de Vlugt

The Gold of Amsterdam is a short documentary film by Esra Sakir about the impact of working with clay on the citizens of a major city. In our modern lifestyles, we have lost touch with the soil and the knowledge associated with it. The current times, marked by environmental concerns, climate change, and natural disasters, urge us to reconnect with the earth. Through the sensory experience of working with clay, we can reset our minds and create space for new ways of thinking.

Lutkemeerpolder in Amsterdam is the city's last fertile soil, and the documentary highlights its importance to the public. This area, with its unique clay consistency, is the last of its kind in the city. The Voedselpark Association and Boterbloem local agricultural activity aim to keep this land accessible for public use and community activities.

During the spring of 2024 Esra Sakir had the opportunity to engage deeply with the soil through clay workshops organized both on-site and across different parts of Amsterdam. As an artist-in-residence at Waag Future Lab and Voedselpark she experienced the profound connection clay work offers. This film presents the personal and heartfelt experiences of the Amsterdam Clay Lovers Group as we engaged in hand-built clay workshops, harvesting clay, and processing it. Our hope is to continue sharing this unique opportunity with others.

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22:00 hrs


Cinema de Vlugt
