Voedselpark Amsterdam
On the western edge of Amsterdam lies Amsterdam's last piece of fertile farmland: the Lutkemeerpolder. Since 2007, the province of North Holland has been developing plans to build a industrial site here. But the Lutkemeerpolder has a social and ecological value for the city that will disappear if the indistrual site will be build.
Stichting Voedselpark Amsterdam is working on a future for the Lutkemeerpolder that retains its social and ecological value: the polder as an agro-ecological landscape park. A place where the community owns the land, where urban farmers grow our food at an affordable price, where knowledge is exchanged about agriculture, sustainability and biodiversity, and where there is room for neighbourhood initiatives and social activities.
Waag Futurelab and Voedselpark Amsterdam are investigating the relationship between Voedselpark Amsterdam and the neighbourhood of Amsterdam Nieuw-West. What kind of relationship do local residents have with (local) food? What needs are there in terms of local food production and social activities at a food park? What ideas from the neighbourhood could Food Park Amsterdam facilitate? Food Park Amsterdam will use the results to develop their vision for the Lutkemeerpolder.
'The Future of Mud' - Esra Sakir
From March to June 2024, Esra Sakir is the artist-in-residence at Voedselpark Amsterdam in collaboration with Waag Futurelab. Using clay and ceramic techniques, Esra Sakir explores local and communal food systems in Amsterdam Nieuw-West together with local residents. She does this at the intersection of women's emancipation, interculturalism and the environment. Clay is closely linked to the fundamental elements of existence, including earth, fire and water. Clay brings much life: from a nutritious soil for plants to the fruits of those plants that in turn nourish us. Clay is also one of the oldest materials for cultural expression. In the soft clay, ideas can take shape. Clay becomes an object with which we share: we can store food in it and can perpetuate our visions of the future in it.
Curious about the outcomes of the artist residency? Check out the catalogue 'Mud Break' created by Esra Sakir.
Save our green!
The construction of the largest distribution centre (7 football fields) is now being prepared. If don't do anything, Amsterdam will lose a unique and irreplaceable green area. You can help prevent this and support Food Park Amsterdam by signing the Red ons groen! petition