On Saturday September 1st, we will go on an a cycling adventure with Arita Baaijens and the Relive app!
Deep Maps are biographies of a place. Unlike regular maps, they show more than just topography and names of places. They can include stories, photos, sound and personal experiences; some deep maps don't look like regular maps at all.
During this meetup, Arita Baaijens will show us how we can create such a deep map from a part of Amsterdam which has changed drastically over the past 150 years. If we look carefully, we can find places where the past and present collide, hidden behind a building, in a strange bend in the road, or behind an abruptly ending ditch.
We will look at historical maps, and try to trace lines and patterns that have changed or disappeared in the Amsterdam of today. While we do this, in groups of two, we will record our route and take notes and photos to capture what we see, think and feel.
Back at Waag, we will turn all these routes and experiences into a new map, using open-source mapping tools. The data collected with the Relive app will be made available to us.
And there's more good news: Maptime Amsterdam's own Bert Spaan, who started this meetup group 4 years ago, is back in Amsterdam and co-organizing this meetup!
Participation € 2,00. Limited spaces available.
Follow Maptime on twitter @maptimeAMS and at code.waag.org/maptimeAMS
More information about Maptime at: maptime.io.