The Museums and the Web Conference this year has its 20th Anniversary. The meSch team will demo the DIY toolkit that has been developed. The toolkit allows cultural heritage professionals to create smart exhibits themselves.
In addition the team will present two papers on the work done in the project:
- "Do it together: The effect of curators, designers, and technologists sharing the making of new interactive visitors’ experiences”
- "Evaluating tangible and multisensory museum visiting experiences: Lessons learned from the meSch project”
And there’s more: two of the meSch case studies have been nominated for the conference 2016 GLAMi award. So be sure to vote!
About Museums and the Web
Museums and the Web is an annual conference featuring advanced research and exemplary applications of digital practice for cultural, natural and scientific heritage. Formed by leading professionals from around the world, our community has been meeting since 1997.