Open Wetlab workshop at OHM 2013
Waag BY

Next trends

Pieter van Boheemen (Open Wetlab Waag) speaks at the Next Trends event in Lausanne, Switzerland on the topic "The mutualistic manifestations in our art science crossbreeding lab".

Waag's Open Wetlab is a laboratory that provides a platform for creative biotechnology. We involve creatives, industry and academics hands-on in the shaping of biotechnology and what biotechnology shapes. This leads to a different interpretation for the debate on usefulness and desirability of Life Sciences in society.

We promote the production of bio-art because we believe that bio-art is visionary and can be guiding for new prototypes and applications. For example in the project "Trust me I'm an Artist", we investigate to what extent and how art and science can work together and in what way art can influence a scientific agenda. As of 2012 we also bring bio-art and science into the public and DIY domain through our "Do It Together Bio" workshops and "Open Wetlab = Open" evenings. Since amateurs also do research. Since geekiness is sexy. Since the public wants to be involved in the application of biotechnology. Since science is the art of observation and therefore an aesthetic discipline. Since ethics and aesthetics are inseparable. Since a critical attitude towards biotechnology is urgent and imperative. So in our lab we crossbreed these mutualistic art and science manifestations out of interest, curiosity and engagement.

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20:00 hrs


Chemin du Closel, Lausanne, Switzerland
