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Digi.Bio wins Dutch Data Science Awards

Digi.Bio, an Amsterdam-based startup, has been awarded the Anthony Fokker Prize, one of the Dutch Data Science Awards, by the Royal Dutch Society of Sciences. Digi.Bio has been selected for their development of the digital biological processor, the first of its kind in the world.

Big Data and Data sciences are at the base of pretty much every innovation and the societal and economical impact are enormous. The initiators want to put the Netherlands prominently on the map as a data-science country. With the awards they stimulate entrepreneurship and scientific research. The Anthony Fokker Prize awards startups that use data science in an innovative way. The prize is connected with a monetary reward of 3000 euro.

"Our company is focused on the creation of technology to bring biology to the digital age. We bring the cloud to the laboratory. We are very honoured with the the Anthony Fokker Prize; it is acknowledgement for our efforts." says Frido Emans, COO of Digi.Bio.

Digi.Bio started as a hobby project in the Fablab and Open Wetlab at Waag, institute for technology and society located at the Nieuwmarkt in Amsterdam, and grew out to a serious company through ACE Venture Labs, a startup incubator at Amsterdam Science Park. After this, the team joined HAX, a hardware accelerator in Shenzhen, China, and developed there further their technology from prototype to product.



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959 (KiiCS). Starting with #15, this project has received funding from the Europ