In our society, we link the term 'intelligence' to test scores and STEM profiles. If we cannot solve something with the human brain, we do so with the artificial brain (artificial intelligence). The premise here is: the more abstract the knowledge, the more intelligent it is. And yet for our future, and the major social problems that come with it, we need other skills. An exploratory, creative attitude that can still make better decisions and decisions than computers.
In our physical environment, however, many more kinds of intelligence are present: in our bodies, in animals and in plants. Did you know that your gut is also known as our 'second brain'? It has its own nervous system and can function independently. Octopuses are able to solve complex tasks using their cognitive ability and nature's intelligence consists of complex ecosystems and communication patterns.
We desperately need all these forms of intelligence for our future. During Museum Night, we explores the concept of intelligence. What exactly is it? And what forms do we need for an open, fair and inclusive future?
Come to Waag Futurelab during Museum Night and get a new understanding of intelligence!
Read more about 'Symbiosis' full body VR at Museumnacht
Symbiosis has been nominated for the S+T+ARTS Prize 2022.'S+T+ARTS Prize has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 956603.