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Webinar: Preserving traditional crafts using technology - Mingei Day

How can we use technology to digitally preserve traditional and industrial crafts for the future? Heritage, museum, technological and craft professionals from all over Europe are invited to join the webinar on Mingei Day to discuss the urgency and future of preserving heritage.

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In the last four years, Waag and nine European partners and craftsmen have experimented in Mingei project by documenting and digitalising crafts, storytelling, interactive Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and motion capture.

During this webinar on Mingei Day we would like to share and discuss the results and knowledge we gained. In four online panel discussions, experts from all over Europe will discuss and share their views on how to preserve crafts and how we can keep improving this in the future. During the webinar, participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions online.

Join the conversation! The link to the meeting will be provided to you by email. This event will be recorded.

Get your ticket


16.00 hrs - Welcome Mingei Day - host Nicole McNeilly (Impact Evaluation Advisor Waag)
16.05 hrs - Introduction to Mingei Project (Xenophon Zabulis - Project Coordinator Mingei)
16.15 hrs - Expert panel discussion will cover the following questions:

  1. What is the urgency of preserving and documenting crafts?
  2. What is the impact for the craft and heritage community, education and future generations?
  3. What tech advances are helping us make steps in the preservation and documentation of crafts?
  4. How could the Mingei platform be useful for future users to make the impact sustainable?

17.35 hrs - Q&A from participants and recap lessons learned
17.45 hrs - Closing


  • Xenophon Zabulis - Research Director FORTH, project coordinator Mingei
  • Carlo Meghini - Research Director at CNR-ISTI and developer Mingei platform
  • Arnaud Dubois - Research Associate at CNAM, social anthropologist Mingei
  • Eirini Kaldeli - Researcher and AI expert involved in the Crafted Europeana project
  • Marinos Ioannides - UNESCO chair Digital Cultural Heritage at Cyprus University of Technology

Have a look at this episode of Euronews (Europe’s leading international news channel) dedicated to one of the many innovative ideas of Mingei that engage today’s youth with past traditions.  

Local sessions

Partners of the Mingei Project all over Europe will organise local sessions as well (more information will be communicated soon). Amsterdam will organise a Mingei Day workshop in the Maker's Guild at Waag on the evening of 10 March, where we explore how to revalue crafts in new (digital) fabrication methodologies. Globally renowned fashion designer Antoine Peters will share his passion for the craft of clothing and you will learn using different textile craft techniques yourself during the workshop. 

Read more and sign up






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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 822336.