Clarity – Open eGovernment Services
The Clarity project seeked to support European Member States in their pursuit for greater trust, transparency and efficiency within government via the increased take-up of open government initiatives.
Clarity mobilized a multidisciplinary network of stakeholders to conduct an interactive needs assessment and gap analysis in order to understand gaps in the market and support the growth on innovative solutions for open government in Europe. The results were developed into a blueprint for next steps in facilitating open government initiatives in Europe.
What was the role of Waag in this project?
Waag was responsible for the social needs analysis in conjunction with the needs assessment from government and industry. In addition, Waag organized a Sprint Week in Autumn 2016. Designers, coders and policy makers worked together for a week to develop concepts and prototypes.
The project ended with a conference in Sweden.
Partners in this project were: Trilaterial Research Ltd (coordinator, UK), Intrasoft International (Luxembourg), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain), Open Knowledge Sweden (Sweden), Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza (Spain), Skelleftea Kommun (Sweden).
Meta data
Project duration
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 693881.