Collage - discovering ideas together
Collage was a research project in which an application was developed that supports learning processes, acquiring new ideas and inspiration at work. The application was intended to be used by industrial partners, in business schools and creative organisations. The application stimulates participants to share and research for new information with game mechanics. Collage enables the user and his/her team to find new, relevant and high value information and ideas on any subject. To that end, the application combines, amongst others: existing knowledge and networks, scientific and scholarly publications with new web technologies like web analytics, affinity spaces en recommendation systems.
Waag contributed to the conceptual architecture of Collage, applying the users-as-designers method and through a pilot project. In the pilot, Waag tested and validated the application in real life with her own employees. Universities, business schools and companies work closely together in Collage.
Collage aimed to generate:
- Economic impact by enabling SMEs and large organizations to capitalize on the creative capabilities of their employees through new value creation;
- Technological impact by advancing leading edge technologies (context-aware computing, web analytics and social computational systems) towards creativity support.
- Impact on Technology-Enhanced-Learning (TEL) by providing an open-source service-set for social creativity able to mash-up with existing learning processes and solutions.
- Scientific impact by advancing research in prominent research areas such as creativity models for learning, game-based learning and social recommender systems.
Partners in the project were Esade Business School (ES, lead), City University London (UK), INSEAD Business School (FR), Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (GR), eXact Learning Solutions (IT), Playgen serious games and gamification (UK), Fiat Sepin (IT, pilot), CEDEP Centre Européen d’Educationion Permanente (FR, pilot).
Meta data
Project duration
- Esade Business School
- Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS)
- Playgen
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 318536.