KiiCS - Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science - was a three year European project gathering creative people, scientists and young adults. The project aimed at stimulating creativity and innovation through new forms of interactions between arts and science, or so called "Art & Science Incubation” actions.

KiiCS had the ambition to bring science closer to society, especially young people, by promoting the creative character of science and underlining its practical applications on health, environment and any other aspect of daily life. The project also connected the best innovative ideas with companies and potential investors.

Each partner has developed its own method to create dynamic interactions between "creatives” and scientists. Interactive workshops, mentoring activities to develop new ideas and hands-on experiments have shed new lights on the value of creativity to create innovative products and services (from music apps to arts software to sustainable materials) and, in the end, to make creativity and science truly beneficial to citizens, students and companies in Europe.

KiiCS’ network was composed of 21 organisations, including art and science centres and collaborative platforms, located in 19 cities from 13 countries all over Europe. KiiCS’ incubation partners were: Science Gallery, Science Communication Observatory, Waag, Centre de Culture Scientifique Technique et Industrielle, Copernicus Science Center, The Arts Catalyst, Fondazione IDIS – Città della Scienza, Kapelica Gallery, and The TILLT organization.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959.

Meta data

Project duration

1 Feb 2012 - 1 Feb 2015


