"Imagine... a wonderful web world where strange creatures live. They are media monsters, they feed themselve with signs, sounds and images. The media monsters grow, learn, make fun, make trouble and are afraid of nothing, although, maybe..." Thus began the first release of 'Monstermedia' in 2005, an online media education tool for the highest classes of primary education. MonsterMedia stimulated media awareness with children.
Children learned about the history and the influence of the media on our society and their own role in this. In this context children are not just seen as media consumers, but also as active media producers. Pupils (one or two) adopted a monster, that they raised on the internet to a possible new Top Monster, the ruler of web world Mediana. These media monsters embarked on a journey through media history and did grow by answering questions and fulfilling assignments.
More than 25.000 pupils in primary education played MonsterMedia between 2005-2012. In 2013 a new version of the game was developed.
Project coordination: Kunstgebouw. Idea and concept development: Waag, Kunstgebouw and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland. Scenario and design: Waag. Realisation: Waag together with Mediamonks.
Monstermedia was financed by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland and VSB Fonds. A special word of thanks to the teachers and pupils of 9 primary schools in the Province of South Holland.
Meta data
Project duration
- VSB Fonds
- Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
- Media Monks
- Kunstgebouw