NGSI compliancy CitySDK LD API
In 2014, Waag made the data in the CitySDK Linked Data API available through the NGSI/Fiware protocols and vice versa.
Fiware is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of Future Internet applications and services, at a scale not seen before. Fiware API specifications are public and royalty-free, driven by the development of an open source reference implementation which accelerates the availability of commercial products and services based on Fiware technologies.
Creation of a sustainable innovation ecosystem around Fiware is materialized through FI-Lab, a working instance of Fiware enabling free experimentation with the technology. FI-Lab is a place where application sponsors (application customers, public administrations, investors) and application developers as well as web entrepreneurs (individuals, SMEs and other companies) can meet each other. A genuine meeting point for innovation on the Internet.
The role of Waag in this project
The most important goal of this project was to make the data of the CitySDK Linked Data API also available on the Fiware platform. Besides that, it became possible to use Fiware data points for the Linked Data API. This connection enabled simple access to the CitySDK LD API for Fiware users. Also, the CityDashboard concept was further developed to show realtime linked data from the city.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 285248.