The Reading Table
The Reading Table for Old and New Media dates from 1996 and consisted of a classic reading table that unobtrusively also contained four computer displays, outfitted with a specially designed interface for Internet access. Guests of the café and restaurant 'In de Waag' could read newspapers and magazines at the table, but could also access the Internet, electronic mail, newsgroups and telnet.
The Reading Table had an interface that was meant to be easily accessible for the uninitiated in the field of new media. This interface guided the users by means of moving images through the different internet applications. Underneath the table, two mini computers were attached for the children, that could play a selection of electronic stories and games.
The Reading Table was in fact the first of as eries of multimedia tables that Waag later produced and was in service for a number of years.
The table won the Rotterdam Design prize in 1997. The design team was formed by Rolf Pixley, Janine Huizenga, Mieke Gerritzen and Jaap Dijkman. Sponsors were Rabobank Nederland, Euronet Internet and De Weekbladpers B.V. With thanks to: Vormgevingsinstituut, ACSi, Heineken B.V.