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DSI4EU: Shaping the Future of Digital Social Innovation in Europe

Join us in Brussels the 29th of June at DG Connect for a Policy Workshop on Digital Social Innovation.

Digital Social Innovation has been put on the map through the focus on Collective Awareness Programs. In this light we are organizing a policy workshop concerning Digital Social Innovation for Europe. We want to bring together innovators throughout Europe and leaders from CAPS projects with European Commission Policy officials to be able to get in touch, get inspired and connect your networks. By learning from each other, the community of digital social innovation should be able to grow further and stronger.

Next to growing communities and connecting networks, this workshop will bring you some clear examples of Digital Social Innovation in Europe and teach you best practices and hands-on tips and tricks for DSI.

Some of the confirmed speakers:

  • Robert Madelin, Senior Innovation Advisor European Commision
  • Fabrizio Sestini, Senior Expert Digital Social Innovation DG CONNECT
  • Xavier Troussard, Head of Foresight Division, Joint Research Center
  • Geoff Mulgan, Chief Executive NESTA
  • David Cuartielles, Founder Arduino
  • Marleen Stikker, Director and Founder Waag

DigitalSocial.eu has been setting up an international network of digital social innovators using the internet and digital technologies to tackle social challenges. There are already more than a thousand organizations, including Fairphone, Raspberry Pi, and LandShare, on www.digitalsocial.eu which has been a huge influence on policies from the European Commission.

Programme (pdf)

Partners in this project are: NESTA, Waag and The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 688192.

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Brussels, België | Headquarters of DG Connect


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DSI4EU, formally known as DSISCALE, is supported by the European Union and funded under the Horizon 2020 Programme, grant agreement no. 780473.