What does a landscape want to become? A conversation with artistic researcher Esmee Geerken on mud, myths and swamps. This interview is a warm-up for the event Artistic Fieldwork: Mud, Myths and Swamps on Thursday 16 March (17 – 19:00 hrs) at Amsterdam Science Park.
The city is continuously in development. Houses are being built, nearby municipalities are swallowed by bigger cities, and in the Dutch voting guide, you are asked to choose: is the wolf welcome in your province, or not? At Amsterdam Science Park, Waag's Urban Ecology Lab creates urban initiatives and artistic interventions with a focus on nature-inclusive city development and urban planning. This includes more space for biodiversity, creativity and wellbeing for humans and other forms of life. Enter artistic researcher Esmee Geerken.

Join the event! Artistic fieldwork: Mud, Myths and Swamps
Esmee Geerken and artistic collective De Onkruidenier will give short presentations on their work-in-progress and the methods they conduct, on Thursday 16 March (17 – 19:00 hrs.) We will walk to the two locations and do some fieldwork. Participants can think along what they hear, see, smell, feel and taste, and they can provide input on what the landscape wants to become.
Landscape Festival
This event is a sneak peek for the Landscape Festival that will take place in spring 2023 at Amsterdam Science Park. You're invited to work towards a more biodiverse, nature-inclusive and climate resilient city together with Waag Futurelab.
About T-Factor
The artistic fieldwork and City Landscape Festival are part of the project T-Factor. It reseaches how we can create urban initiatives that are nature-inclusive for humans, plants and microbes, at Amsterdam Science Park.