Hector Garcia BY-SA
Logo CitySDK
Waag BY

City of Istanbul has CitySDK API installed

The ;City of Istanbul has installed the CitySDK API and seized the moment to release new datasets. The API developed by Waag was installesd in August 2013 with the help of Tom Demeyer (CTO at Waag). In November an event will be organized to promote the API among developers at HACKATHONIST for Smart Istanbul Apps. This hackathon will be organized by the City council and TAGES, both partners in the CitySDK project.

The bus timetables were already released earlier, but now the schedules of the ferries over the Bosporus and the trains have also been released. Shortly to arrive are the following datasets:

  • Schools
  • Coastal places
  • Historic places
  • Hospitals
  • Pavilions (Historical waterside buildings)
  • Shopping areas

The API is open source, including the example applications at Github.

Meta data

