Marleen Stikker - De staat van het internet 2020
Waag: Ilyas Sarib BY-NC-SA

De staat van het internet 2020

We organised our yearly lecture De staat van het internet ('the state of the internet') on February 27th with SIDN and OBA. The lecture is now available online (in Dutch).

Watch De staat van het internet 2020

In De staat van het internet, Waag's director Marleen Stikker introduced the theme of digital identity, which she then spoke about with Wouter Welling from the Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs. Artist Julia Janssen presented her artwork 0.0146 seconds. Jaap-Henk Hoepman, associate professor at Radboud University Nijmegen, expert in privacy by design, gave us a lecture on digital identity. Kathalijne Buitenweg, MP for GroenLinks in the Dutch parliament, responded to the lecture and engaged in a panel discussion with Hoepman, Evelyn Austin from Bits of Freedom, and Berent Daan from Amsterdam's city council.

> Pictures from De staat van het internet 2020

