Eclectis research report

Eclectis research report published

Eclectis Amsterdam was a workshop program for young people (high school students, age 13 and 14, from the Hyperion Lyceum) held in September 2013. The students cooperated with selected artists to research and give meaning to their living environment. They diagnosed the urban environment by collecting and interpreting data with new (technological) tools, they co-created urban interventions and worked towards interactive pieces of art in public space in order to present their findings to their parents, families and friends, and citizens of Amsterdam.

The project encourages young people to do curiosity-driven research and experiment with art forms to express their opinion. As a result they learned to interact with their environment more consciously, and became more aware of that environment. It was also a (first) acquaintance with the combination of technology, art and science. This mix of disciplines is core to the work of project organiser Waag.

We published an illustrated research report about the findings of this Amsterdam week.

Download a copy of the Eclectis research report (pdf)

This project is co-funded by the European Union – Culture program cooperation projects.The week in Amsterdam-North was supported by AFK and Creative Industries Fund NL.



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This project was co-funded by the European Union – Culture program cooperation projects.