FabSchool launch
FabSchool iPad
FabSchool launch
FabSchool launch

FabSchool stimulates learning by making

FabSchool - learning by making, initiated by Waag in collaboration with Rotslab, gives an impulse to creativity and making. FabSchool is a research project for and by users, designed to encourage "learning by making". Young and old can get started with programming, digital manufacturing and electronics at FabSchool from September 24. A website full of make projects that are the result of carefully researched and tested workshops.

Do-it-yourself technology, creativity, and making in education: what is wisdom? How do we encourage the development of skills needed for the world of tomorrow? Extensive research, testing and workshops led to the website of FabSchool.

"Learning is a combination of playing together, creating and experiencing,"

says Karien Vermeulen (Head Creative Learning Lab of Waag).


FabLabs, maker- and other spaces contribute to the development of the creative potential of the Netherlands. With their method "how you can make almost anything" they have something to offer - the connection between creativity and technology and learning 21st century skills. At different places within education itself, learning by making experiments are initiated. Methods like "Invent to Learn" by Sylvia Libow Martinez ('empower the learner') are a great source of inspiration. FabSchool is consistent with the objectives around excellent craftsmanship. With FabSchool we approach technology from creativity and make crafts fun.

The world as a classroom

For example, we organized the European event ZigZag on 5 September. More than 500 children attended these hands-on workshops specially developed with the aim to find out more about the technology behind textile crafts. They left their classrooms for a world of textiles and technology. The instructions for the ZigZag workshops are available to everyone on the Fabschool website.

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