Zag, mascotte ZigZag
Waag BY
Creative Learning Lab

Meet Zag, our new friend from Sofia, Bulgaria

Zag is the new face of ZigZag, a project for children, families and schools, about (smart) textiles, knitting, weaving, felting, crafts and heritage. We met Zag last week in Rome at  Explora, , the children museum in Rome, during the kick off of the project. Maria Banova, president of Art Land Sofia and Zags creator, decided to send Zag on a residency at Waag, to follow and reflect on our activities within the project.

Zag’s friend Zig stayed in Rome to keep our colleagues from Explora company. Zag is currently exploring Waag’s office.

Follow Zag’s experiences in Amsterdam on this blog and meet him during the ZigZag textile festival in 2014! 

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This project is supported by the Culture Programme (2007-2013) of the European Union (Grant agreement n° 2013-224/001-001 CU7 COOP7).