In the week of 3-5 March 2013, our developers Bert Spaan and Laurens Schuurkamp visited Curaçao to assist in the follow-up of a local apps contest called Apps4Curaçao. It proofed to be a successful venture, with four prototype apps being developed for the island:
- News app ICTUAL
- Curaçao Baseball app
- Weather app (with Meteo Curaçao)
- Mobile website for Avila Hotel
On Friday 8 March 2013, minister Martina awarded the best app: news app 'ICTUAL'. For this week, a number of international en local organisations worked together to make it a success, aiming at putting Curaçao on the map as a Cross Media and Content Hub.
On Sunday, the week was opened with an introduction of the programme for the participants, where every participant had the chance to work out a company profile. This extra service from the organisation provided the participants with an opportunity to enhance their effectivity. All apps and commisioners were introduced and the apps were developed in teams - from idea to a working prototype. Our developers have pitched their own app too, that gives a warning when a cruise ship is arriving at the island and the bridge is open. The minister saw opportunities for such an app and was interested in a follow-up.
The Cross Media is a cooperation between Stimul-IT Curaçao Innovation & Technology Institute, iMMovator Cross Media Netwerk, Syntens, TNO en Verburg Consultants. The programme was made possible by the support of Stichting Logistieke sectoren, the minsitry of Economic Development, UTS and the UNA.