nani jansen reventlow

Re-watch the State of the Internet 2022

During the State of the Internet 2022, Waag, SIDN Fonds, De Groene Amsterdammer, OBA and CTO Amsterdam estimate (you guessed it) the state the internet is in this year. Human rights lawyer Nani Jansen Reventlow was this year's keynote speaker, followed by a discussion with MPs Renske Leijten and Kim van Sparrentak. The theme: Operation Re-boot!

Re-watch the lecture

Have a chat in De Groene Ruimte

In collaboration with De Groene Amsterdammer, Waag created an online safe digital public space where we can discuss the future of the internet. 'De Groene Ruimte' uses the Element app. Would you like to join in and contribute? Head to the Groene website for a description on how to install the app and start or join a conversation (in Dutch).


The State of the Internet 2022 was organised by Waag, De Groene Amsterdammer, SIDN, CTO Amsterdam and Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA). For years, SIDN fonds has been supporting internet initiatives that shape a strong internet, which secures public values.

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