Slimme oester voor technologisch burgerschap

Technological citizenship: digital legacy and smart oysters

From a grave with QR code to smart oysters that warn dolphins about fishing nets; during the Technological Citizenship project, young people came up with brilliant ideas to address social issues. They did not do so lightly, the aim of this project is to collectively give substance to the concept of technological citizenship. After all, we live in a digital society in which technology plays an increasingly important role in how we organise it. In collaboration with partners, Waag Futurelab examines how young people relate to the technological developments that are increasingly influencing how we live together. It also looks at the role of creative making processes and how they contribute to uncovering social issues.

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Deze activiteit is (mede) gefinancierd met de PPS-toeslag van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat vanuit CLICKNL. CLICKNL is het topconsortium voor Kennis en innovatie (TKI) van de Creatieve Industrie,