Sometimes you find find something on Instructables or a similar website that you would like to make yourself, but all the parts you need are hard to get. The people behind Thimble think they have the perfect solution for you, by bringing a new DIY package each month. All the parts are already included in the package. You put it together yourself and then the fun starts: learn to code, build and hack, helped by guided tutorials and a community Thimble hopes to grow over time. The website van Thimble offers the manuals.
As a first package at Kickstarter, a Wi-Fi robot is offered. Looks goods and can be controlled with your tablet. Early birds can get the kit for $ 49 and it should be delivered in Spring 2016 (we have to formulate this carefully, knowing the reputation of some Kickstarter projects).
This is fun to do after you finished the FabSchool workshops and want to continue at home, without the machines of a Fablab at hand!