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Waag advises Government Commissioner on General Information Act

Partly in response to the childcare allowance scandal, the cabinet appointed Arre Zuurmond as Government Information Management Commissioner in early 2022. The main task of this new position: to ensure that the government gets a grip on its information flows. Because although the government is producing more and more information, it cannot properly serve citizens and businesses with that information.

One of Arre Zuurmond's proposals is a new General Information Act. Currently, a good legal foundation for information management is lacking. In the development of this law, the Government Commissioner asked Waag Futurelab to advise on its design. Job Spierings had a critical look at the proposal and wrote the following analysis.

Read the whole report: Society seeks information (in Dutch)





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This project has received funding from the European Commission under H2020-SC6-GOVERNANCE-2018-2019-2020 call under Grant Agreement number 959157.