Lucas Evers (Head of programme Open Wetlab) will participate in a synthetic biology workshop at the ECSITE Annual Conference 2014.
Synthetic biology is an emerging, exciting and occasionally alarming field that brings together a diverse group – engineers, scientists, designers, artists and hackers focusing on making life “designable”. As in any new field, the language we use to talk about synthetic biology is still being transcribed and the debate is being framed: is this scenario a magic panacea, ticking time bomb or something in between? This session will focus on empowering non-scientists to become bio-hackers. Through a hands-on workshop using cell design programmes, participants will appreciate how practical experiments lead to a deeper understanding of the impact that emerging technologies may have on society.
The speakers will show how experimentation - whether led by artists or citizens - changes the way we grasp crucial ethical issues.
Full conference programme (pdf).
Speakers: Joseph Roche (Research Projects Coordinator, Science Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland), Jurij Krpan (Art curator, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Lucas Evers (Head of Programme, Waag, Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
Convenor: Luisa Marino (Project Manager, Ecsite, Brussels, Belgium)