The second BioHack Academy is coming to a spectacular end. For the past 10 weeks, a group of students at Waag Amsterdam and Carbon Ideas Tehran have engulfed themselves in the world of biotechnology. Starting from scratch, they have learned how to build their own lab, from DNA analysers to centrifuges. On Tuesday November 17th, they will proudly present their own projects. Join us!
Eight DIY projects
The BioHack Academy makes biotech accessible to designers, artists, hackers who have never worked with living material before. Apart from following the practicals in microbiology, separation techniques, bioinformatics and more the participants have also worked on their own projects. For example Erwin has been working on an interactive plant growth tracking system, Manon has been sculpturing with mycelium, Margot investigated everyones microbiome and Ilva has explored the characteristics of light producing algae.
The BioHack Academy is an open source course. Meaning that anyone in the world can follow it, either on their own or in a partner lab. So, just like previous edition, this course also had participants from abroad. This time in the US and Iran.
Live streaming and growing certificates
The ceremony will started by Amsterdam Biohack Academy's founder, Pieter Boheemen. Anthony Rosengren will explain how he designed the students' certificates. Then, most importantly, the students will present their work.
18:30 Doors open
19:00 Project presentations: what, why and how?
20:30 Graduation and drinks
22:00 End