Romantic Disease exhibition
Anna Dumitriu BY-NC-SA

DIT Bio #10: Romantic Disease workshop

Saturday 21 June, artist Anna Dumitriu will lead a hands-on Do It Together Bio workshop around the themes of her "Romantic Disease" exhibition. An art/science investigation into mankind’s strange relationship with ‘the Romantic Disease’ Tuberculosis (TB) from early superstitions about the disease, through the development of antibiotics, to the latest research into whole genome sequencing of bacteria. You will begin to learn how to work safely with potentially pathogenic bacteria as an artistic medium  while using commonly available and laboratory supplies. You will start to develop a bacteriocentric view of the world and understand the textile techniques used in the exhibition. We discuss the new advances in clinical microbiology that are investigated by the Modernising Medical Microbiology Project of Oxford University. This workshop is suitable for artists, students and scientists and anyone interested.

About Do It Together Bio
During Do It Together Bio workshops you get to work with do-it-yourself biologists, scientists and artists to experiment on the intersection of art, design and biotechnology. The workshops exist of a mix between hands-on activitites, reflections and presentations of artists and scientists. During previous episodes we built new machines, such as the Bioprinter, techniques and protocols - often cheaper than the regular lab equipment. The people behind the Do It Together Bio workshops are Pieter van Boheemen (certified bio-engineer and DIY biologist) and Lucas Evers (head of Waag's Open Wetlab). Watch the video records of Do It Together Bio here.

Please feel welcome if you’re interested in do-it-yourself experiments with easily accessible tools. There’s no need for prior knowledge. The only thing you need is a curious and open mind.

The costs for this workshop are 30 euros, including lunch & materials, payable at the event (PIN payments are possible).

Meta data


16:00 hrs


Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959 (KiiCS). Starting with #15, this project has received funding from the Europ