Genetic engineering
Stu Mayhew BY-NC-SA

DIY Bio and genetic modification techniques

Techniques to modify the genetic make-up of organisms have become a generic tool in biotechnological research labs around the globe. Since the tremendous drop in costs to setup such labs, and the increased availability of open source genetic information, these methods have been adopted by Do-It-Yourself biologists. For example, members of the community lab Biocurious in California raised enough funds to start engineering a glowing plant. This makes you wonder, what is the current state of art of DIY biology in The Netherlands?

During this workshop we will actively discuss your motivation and explore the current limitations and boundaries. You are invited to group up and work on proposals for your DIY projects that include or facilitate genetic modification. Next, the groups get the chance to pitch their idea in front of a panel of 3 experts and the audience that will discuss their project on regulatory/safety, philosophical, ethical and practical merit.

Admission is free.

Preliminary program
18:00 Dinner will be served in the makerspace
19:00 Introduction of participants and two example cases
19:30 Breakout session
20:30 Pitching cases to the panel and discussion
21:15 Overall reflections by the panel
22:00 Drinks

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Waag's Open Wetlab
Nieuwmarkt 4
1012 CR Amsterdam

This workshop is realized as part of a study by Waag and LIS Consult for The Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification COGEM, focused on exploring the field of do-it-yourself biotechnology in The Netherlands.




Open Wetlab, Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam


EU official flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 288959 (KiiCS). Starting with #15, this project has received funding from the Europ