The opening conference of Europeana Space will be held on 16-17 October 2014 in Venice, Italy. Waag is one of the consortium partners in this project.
The title of this conference is: Digital Cultural Content Re-imagined: New Avenues for the Economy and Society. The conference promises to foster a rich program of speakers and creative sessions to build bridges between Cultural Institutions and Creative Industry.
It is becoming extremely relevant that these two sectors, the Cultural Institutions and the Creative Industry, are more and more encouraged to get in connection, in order to unlock the business potential of digital cultural heritage. Europeana Space project, including representatives of both sectors, intends not only to demonstrate that this connection is a win-win opportunity, but will also support its initiation and long-term viability by creating an open, fertile enviroment where the digital cultural content can be re-used in innovative creative applications and products.
The conference objectives are:
- spreading the message that cultural heritage is not dead but is going to be “alive and kicking” in the emerging society and economy
- presentation of market analysis and business models for reuse of digital objects / promote discussion on economic sustainability of cultural assets
- involve players in discussion on how digital cultural content can be re-used
- awareness-raising and public engagement in the Europeana Space project: set problems and show in which way the project is addressing them