Hack the Brain
Hack the Brain - Oculus Rift
Creative Learning Lab

Hack the Brain 2015 – Education

‘In the days of Rembrandt, we explored the body. Now, we will explore the mind’

In the future, will we be able to activate our creativity and concentration with the simple press of a button? Will we learn new languages in our sleep? Or map our strengths and weaknesses with the help of EEG equipment? Can learning processes be tracked in real-time and converted into usable data?

DIY brain hacking is no longer the stuff of science fiction—it's reality. After a successful first edition of the Brain Hack in 2014, we're digging deeper into the attics of our minds, and exploring new opportunities for learning with our brains.

What will we do?
During the Brain Hack Education days, we're asking scientists, developers, and education professionals to explore how we can influence and improve learning processes in the brain. Over the course of a weekend, we will explore the boundaries of brain hacking together. Along with your team, you'll work on cutting-edge concepts, think up innovative applications, and build real prototypes. Want a taste of the atmosphere? Check out the video of Hack the Brain 2014.

During the hackathon, we'll take care of the software and hardware. Would you like to build a prototype? No problem. You'll have the entire FabLab at your disposal. Brain experts and technical guests will also be available throughout the weekend to help you in your quest to develop the ultimate brain hack!

The student as inspiration
Prior to the hackathon itself, a specialized Hack the Brain team will dive into the classroom to take a closer look at the learning processes of 130 students. In five creative science workshops at Hyperion College in Amsterdam, this team (along with the students) will collect ideas for brain hacks that might make studying easier, more fun, and more efficient.

Jurymembers Hack the Brain 2015

  • Olaf de Groot, Expert on ICT enhanced learning @ Kennisnet 
  • Paulien Dresscher, Head New Media and Curator MediaLab @ Cinnekid 
  • Nick Jordan, Young hacker, developer, tech star and initiator of JorCademy
  • Jason Farquhar, Assistent professor @ Donders Instituut 
  • Simon Haafs, Managing director @ i3B Foundation 
  • Ester van der Geest, Communication manager en neuroscientist @ Waag 

The program

  • Public event: Friday June 5 from 20:00 to 22:00. Open bar and after party from 22:00 to 00:30 
  • Hackathon: Friday June 5 (all day) to Sunday June 7 (all day) 
  • Public pitches & award ceremony: Sunday June 7 from 16.00 to 19:00

Can't join us for the whole weekend, but are interested in brain hacking and brain-based learning processes? Visit the Brain Hack free, public event on Friday night.

Founding partners: Waag & Total Active Media
Partners: Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Twente 
Sponsors: Creative Industries Fund NL, City of Amsterdam and i3B. 

Meta data




Waag, Nieuwmarkt 4, 1012 CR Amsterdam
