On 12 August Marleen Stikker of Waag is guest at VPRO Zomergasten. The classical summer format of VPRO since 1988 is based on a simple but still innovating idea: to ask inspiring people to let them show fragments of their choice and comment on these.
When is VPRO Zomergasten broadcasted?
From 29 July until 2 September 2018 VPRO Zomergasten is shown live every Sunday at 20.15 hrs via channel NPO 2 and via the livestream at vpro.nl/zomergasten. Afterwards, the broadcast can be watched for ten days via NPO Gemist and vpro.nl/zomergasten. The broadcast is not repeated.
VPRO Zomergasten is a live broadcast. VPRO will provide a podcast of the episode afterwards (without the presented fragments) and we will provide a playlist of the shown items and those that did not make it, with a brief explanation.