Speak out at an open meeting especially for makers in Amsterdam! Space in our city of Amsterdam is scarce, so too for our makers. Many shoemakers, welders, woodworkers and other makers are in danger of having to leave the city due to temporary contracts and a shortage of affordable spaces or staff. This while we desperately need them and they contribute to a sustainable and complete city. In this programme, we invite makers to discuss their interests together and formulate what they need for a continued presence in Amsterdam. This is a preparatory programme for a later programme that will take place in the spring. Then, we will engage with administrators and real estate parties on more perspectives for makers in the city. Join the conversation and make your voice carry more weight by coming together with like-minded people!
This programme focuses on interaction. Some makers will tell their stories at the discussion table, but the conversation will mainly take place with the audience. So there is plenty of room to discuss all the urgencies, suggestions and ideas together.
Hade Steenwinkel - managing director Fiction Factory
Banu Kabadayi - areamanager Oude Pijp
Moderation: Thieu Custers
Together with Pakhuis de Zwijger and the Hout- en Meubileringscollege, Waag is investigating in the Centrinno project what makers mean and can mean for the city. How do we ensure that makers in Amsterdam-North can keep their makerspaces while more and more housing is being built? How can makers' centres merge with their neighbourhoods, and can makers and residents mean something to each other?