Every month we open the doors of a different workshop. On Thursday 16 February, it's Generatie Groens turn.
Generation Green makes art and interiors from leftover materials. What is involved in working with second-hand materials? And how can you work circularly as a maker? Drop by Generatie Groen from 18:00 to 20:30 and learn more about what it's like to work in a more sustainable way.
Roll up your sleeves and join the conversation about the importance of innovative makers in Amsterdam! Pizza and a drink will be arranged.
Together with Pakhuis de Zwijger and the Hout- en Meubileringscollege, Waag is investigating in the Centrinno project what makers mean and can mean for the city. How do we ensure that makers in Amsterdam-North can keep their makerspaces while more and more housing is being built? How can makers' centres merge with their neighbourhoods, and can makers and residents mean something to each other?
This event will be held in Dutch.
Questions? Send an email to anna [@] waag [punt] org