In the Centrinno project, Waag, Pakhuis de Zwijger and the Hout- en Meubileringscollege are investigating what makers mean and can mean for the city. How do we ensure that makers in Amsterdam-North can keep their makerspaces while more and more housing is being built? How can makerspaces merge with their neighbourhoods, and can makers and residents mean something to each other?
Every month we open the doors of a different workshop. On Monday October 3rd, it is the Hout- en Meubileringscollege's turn. The HMC is keen to support makers by, for example, making machines from their lab available or sharing their knowledge about circular materials.
Drop by the HMC on Monday October 3rd from 17:45 to 20:30 and learn more about the 3D printer, laser cutter, embroidery machine, water cutter and vinyl cutter in the Lab. Or get inspired in the Study Centre's materials cabinet and library. Roll up your sleeves and join the conversation about the importance of spaces for makers while enjoying soup and a sandwich!