Bots With an Attitude
Jan Hein Hoogstad, Offcourse ©

planet B expedition meetup #6

Imagine a place that's a lot like Earth...
we'll call it planet B

During the monthly planet B meetings, scientists, artists and citizens are invited to have a dialogue about the social and ecological challenges of our time.

The starting point of each meeting is the artistic work in progress of artists whose research is focused on these challenges. Meetup #6 takes place on Thursday 13 February, at our outpost at Amsterdam Science Park.

Both With an Attitude

This edition, our guest is Jan Hein Hoogstad, developer and researcher at Offcourse. In Bots With an Attitude, Jan Hein explores the potential of bots as new type of collaboration tool. What if a chat environment does not differentiate between human and bot users? What if we consider bots as equal members of a creative community? What if we treat trolling human users in the same way that we would treat an annoying bot?

To answer these questions, Jan Hein develops bots that can provide value to the community that they are a part of. In addition, he develops a system of fair governance that translates the intrinsic values of a community to measurable and actionable rules and principles. To accomplish this, the project combines state of the art AI technologies like local AI (tensorflow.js) with its nearly forgotten predecessors such as Cellular Automata.

During the meetup, Jan Hein will present the current state of the project and discuss the design prototypes for the bots and the choices and compromises made so far. He will demonstrate the 'protobot' that was produced in collaboration with a group of interns  from HvA's AI minor, sketch out the future of the project and gather input from the meetup participants to bring new findings back to the project.

Programme expedition meetup #6

12:00 - 12:30 Doors open & lunch 
12:30 - 13:30 Presentation & discussion


planet B events

Do you want to be part of the planet B mission? Keep an eye on our events. The upcoming months, we will host monthly expedition meetups and other events.

About planet B

Waag is developing planet B, a mission to recolonise planet Earth based on a narrative of DIY expeditions to a fictional planet. Planet B offers scientists, artists and citizens a 'greenfields' to develop symbolic and material responses to the social and ecological challenges facing us. It expresses an ethos and possible aesthetics for doing things right in the Anthropocene era.

If we can imagine a planet B that is sustainable and inclusive, what does that mean for our world, and our future here on planet Earth?

This event is made possible within the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab, with support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission.


