Rio - resilient cities workshop
Image: Hudsӧn BY-NC-SA
Ipanema Rio
Higor de Padua Vieira Neto BY-NC

Resilient Cities workshop

A five-day workshop followed by a one-day seminar about enabling citizens to make their cities more resilient to the physical, social, and economic challenges of the 21st century.

During the Dutch presidency of the EU, the Dutch consulate in Rio de Janeiro and the Rio Prefeitura have taken the initiative to bring together designers, civil servants, citizens and entrepreneurs for a weeklong design workshop, an exposition and a seminar. They will prototype new design and approaches to transforming cities, by using and enhancing the power of its citizens to take positive action.

The iniative grew out of the Amsterdam Smart Citizens Lab, launched by Waag. In the Smart Citizens Lab, citizens explore tools and applications to map the world around them.

The programme will be hosted by the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) and Waag, Institute for Arts, Science and Open Technology, in collaboration with the Dutch Consulate and Rio Prefeitura. It will take place at the historical Cassino Da Urca, an amazing part of the Brazilian heritage, which IED has been restoring and renovating for the last six years.

The programme is supported with financial contributions from the Creative Industries Fund NL, and additional contributions from Olabi Lab, FGV_DAPP, Swissnex, the British Council, Innovate Norway and the Italian Consulate.




Casino De Urca, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
