On Friday 17 November the conclusive symposium of ‘Trust me, I’m an artist’ takes place. Artists, ethicists, scientists and representatives of the institutions involved in the series will present their vision and thoughts while looking into the future. To prepare us for the final symposium, on the evening of 16th November we will host a new ”Trust me, I’m an artist” ethics panel event reflecting on the art work K9 Topology of the award-winning Slovenian artist Maja Smrekar.
‘Trust me, I’m an artist’
Can the arts play a role in understanding the ethical issues arising from new (bio)technologies? Are ethics a form of art or does making art need ethical approval? ‘Trust me, I'm an Artist’ investigates the new ethical issues arising from art and science collaboration and consider the roles and responsibilities of the artists, scientists and institutions involved.
This event is the concluding symposium of ‘Trust me, I’m an artist’, after editions of the project in Amsterdam, Brighton, Copenhagen, Berlin, Dublin, Ljubljana, Paris, Prague and Riga. Artworks that bring issues such as gene editing and responsibility, humanity’s radioactive heritage, self-experimentation, human tissue culture and sculpture, interspecies communication were presented before a public ethics panel.
‘Trust me, I’m an artist’ is a series of performative events (before a live audience) where a specially selected artist will propose an ethically complex artwork to a specially formed ethics committee (following the rules and procedures typical for the host country), the ethics committee will then debate the proposal and come to a decision, after which the artist is informed of the ethics committee’s decision and, alongside the audience, they can enter into a discussion about the result.
Final symposium and performance
This final symposium will address key questions arising from the project such as: “What can science and ethics learn from the Trust me, I’m an artist project?” “Can ethics become an artistic practice?” Can Trust me, I’m an artist lead to the reframing of research questions?” Should art and culture organisations require ethical approval; do we need ethical institutions?”
To prepare us for the final symposium, on the evening of 16th November we will host a new ”Trust me, I’m an artist” ethics panel event reflecting on the art work K9 Topology of the award winning Slovenian artist Maja Smrekar. Smrekar researched the co-evolution of humans and dogs, taking the measure to place their cell materials in an equal cohabitating relationship. Find the complete program of both events below.
Entrance to this event is free. There are limited place available.
Visitors can join for both the performance as the symposium. When joining for the symposium we recommend visitors to see the performance by Maja Smrekar the evening before. The symposium on 17 November will build upon the topics raised in the performance.
Thursday 16 November from 7 - 10 pm
Performance by Maja Smrekar - Ecce Canis - K9 Topology
A ‘Trust me, I’m an artist’ ethics panel will take place reflecting on the art work K9 Topology of Slovenian artist Maja Smrekar. Smrekar researched the co-evolution of humans and dogs, taking the measure to create a genetic hybrid of the two species. The doors open at 7 pm, the program starts at 7:30 pm.
The ethics panel consist of:
Prof. Dr. Bobbie Farsides, Brighton Sussex Medical School – chair
Dr. Ellen ter Gast, philosopher, integrative thinker
Arjen Mulder, writer, biologist
Assistant Professor Dr. Nora S. Vaage, Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and social Sciences, Maastricht University
Professor Dr. Ing. Robert Zwijnenberg, Art and Science Interactions, Leiden University
Friday 17 November from 10 am - 5:30 pm
The conclusive symposium of ‘Trust me, I’m an artist’. The doors open at 10 am, the program starts at 10:30 am.
10:30 - 11:00 welcome and introduction
By Marleen Stikker, director Waag, Lucas Evers, head of programme Waag, Anna Dumitriu, lead artists Trust me, I’m an artist and Prof. Dr. Bobbie Farsides, Brighton Sussex Medical School.
11:00 - 11:45 Ethics - can ethics learn from arts?
By Dr. Wieke Betten, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Ass. Prof. Nora Vaage, Maastricht University; Dr. Ellen ter Gast and moderation by Prof. Dr. Bobbie Farsides.
11:45 - 12:30 Arts - can ethics be an arts practice?
By artist Spela Petric; Jareh Das, curator Arts Catalyst, London; Anna Dumitriu, lead artists Trust me, I’m an artist and moderation by Annick Bureaud.
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:15 Ethical institutions or institutionalise ethics?
By Jurij Krpan, director Kapelica Gallery. Ljbljana; Dr. Ellen ter Gast; Marleen Stikker, director Waag and Lucas Evers.
14:15 - 15:30 Making public - How do we make this research public?
By Agnieszka Anna Wolodzko, Lucas Evers, Adam Bencard and moderation by Nicola Triscott.
15:45 - 17:30 Negotiating - Ethics are negotiated, aren't they?
Moderation by Dr. Baruch Gottlieb and Lucas Evers.
Followed by conclusion and drinks.
‘Trust me, I’m an artist’ is a project supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission, coordinated by Waag with partners Art Catalyst, Kapelica Gallery, Medical Museion and communication partner Leonardo-Olats. Lead artist is Anna Dumitriu and lead ethicist is Prof. Bobbie Farsides.