On Friday 30 August the final presentations of the 3Package Deal 2018/19 will take place at VondelCS in Vondelpark. 16 young, talented (international) artists present their work on this evening. The artists represent a variety of art disciplines and nationalities. The artists associated with Waag, Isabel Burr Raty (Bio Art & Design) and Lisa Mandemaker (Social Design) will also present their work here.
Wandering through the VondelCS building you discover the work of these artists. From design, art installations, film and performance to theater, dance and a dance concert. From artists from all over the world: from the Netherlands, Peru to South Korea and from China to the United States.
Entrance is free.
Participating artists
Self-taught: Sara van Nes | Visual Arts I: Frédérique Albert-Bordenave | Visual Arts II: Claudia Martinez Garay | Bio Art & Design: Isabel Burr Raty | Dance: Ise An Verstegen | Engaged Art: Jaha Koo | Film: Ali Eslami | Film: Louis Hothothot | Interhistoricity: Stéphanie Saadé | Fashion: Marlou Breuls | Music: Sebastiaan Dutilh | Publishing: Becket MWN | Social Design: Lisa Mandemaker | Theater: Jordy Vogelzang | Public Playground: Abhishek Thapar | Amsterdam-Paris Rendezvous: Steven Akoun