The European project SPIRE: Smart Post-Industrial Regenerative Ecosystem offers various webinars for the European audience. SPIRE is aimed at experimenting with land (re)use planning, renaturing and adaptive high-value biomass reuse, addressing the needs of a vast share of EU cities, and does so through multi-stakeholder approaches such as participation and co-creation. The webinar on November 3rd focuses on ways to promote online participation and co-creation in times of corona.
Meia Wippoo, lead of our Co-creation lab, will speak about adapting and re-inventing co-creation methods and practices. The other speakers will also engage in presentations on ways to use these methods in times of social distancing.
'This event discusses the challenges posed to co-creation and participatory planning practices by the restrictions imposed to contrast the spread of coronavirus. Presentations will illustrate how participatory and co-creation initiatives have been reframed and rearranged in order to allow collective, inclusive actions in compliance to social distancing requirements. A moderated panel discussion and interactive session with the audience will follow.'