Waag Futurelab ©

Workshop cutting- and drawing plotter and heat press

Makers, entrepreneurs and curious creatives attention! On Monday 22 and 29 January and 5 February 2024, Maakschap Amsterdam will organise workshops plotting for makers in the Scheepsbouwloods on the NDSM Werf. Would you like to (learn how to) work with our cutting and drawing plotter? Then sign up for one of the workshops. There is room for fifteen participants.

What is a plotter?

A plotter is a computer-controlled cutter and illustrator in one. A versatile device that allows you to draw and cut texts, shapes and logos from materials such as vinyl foil, flex foil or paper. From your new company logo to a spray mould for a graffiti design and from cute stickers to a self-printed bag: plot, experiment and, above all, go your own creative way.

Imprint your creation directly with the heat press 

Does your creation look different from what you imagined? Adjust your design until you have created the ultimate prototype. If you are satisfied with the result, you can directly imprint your creation with our heat press. Our experts Mariëlle and Sanna will be there to help you. 

After the workshop, you will be able to work independently with a plotter and possibly decide whether to buy one. After the course, you will also be well placed to instruct a professional company if you need a large print run at a later stage.

Maakschap Amsterdam

Maakschap Amsterdam is a makers' alliance to promote active workplace policies, share knowledge, create learning experiences around circular working and act together for better makers' policies. The initiative was set up by Waag Futurelab, HMC and Pakhuis de Zwijger, and resulted from the European project Centrinno.

Meta data




5 euro (incl. materials)




Scheepsbouwloods, NDSM-Plein 27, 1033 WC Amsterdam


EU official flag

The Centrinno project is financed by the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 of the European Union under grant no. 869595.