Maakschap Amsterdam, Waag, Centrinno

Waag and partners launch 'Maakschap Amsterdam'

It is five to twelve for Amsterdam makers, which is why Waag Futurelab, together with leading partners, is establishing an alliance: Maakschap Amsterdam. Maakschap Amsterdam presents a manifesto and is committed to the visibility, recognition and livelihood of circular makerhood. In addition, the Hout- en Meubileringscollege (school for wood and furniture making) opens a satellite location on the NDSM wharf where Maakschap Amsterdam meets.

Launching Maakschap Amsterdam: preserving makers in the city

Tuesday 13 June 2023 | 20:00 hrs | Pakhuis de Zwijger | free | sign up 

On Tuesday 13 June, various Amsterdam city councillors will join the big hall of Pakhuis de Zwijger to come up with concrete solutions to the outflow of makers in Amsterdam. Marleen Stikker (founder and director of Waag Futurelab) and Stephan Welie (site director of Hout- en Meubileringscollege Amsterdam) will launch Maakschap Amsterdam on this evening and ask politicians to speak out about the distribution of space in the city.

Retaining makers for a circular, liveable and vital city  

Makers make the city of Amsterdam. Unfortunately, Amsterdam is losing its makers and makers' collectives. Their future in the city is under severe pressure, partly due to the strong focus on housing, sharply rising real estate prices and the lack of an adequate workplace policy. The gap between what a maker can pay for a workspace and the square metre price is simply too big. 'There is a glaring lack of practical knowledge in society to make, fix and a huge shortage of skilled workers. No energy transition without well-trained professionals,' said Marleen Stikker.  

Maakschap Amsterdam presents a manifesto with three focus points:  

  • There must be affordable workplaces in the city
  • Makers must be involved in urban development plans
  • Promote and preserve practical training in the city and stimulate circular craftsmanship  

Maakschap Amsterdam is an alliance between Waag Futurelab, Hout- en Meubileringscollege, Pakhuis de Zwijger, VEBAN, Made Up North, De Openbare Werkplaats and Hamerkwartier. The Maakschap represents an appeal to the City of Amsterdam to actively pursue policies on retaining makers in the city. Maakschap is also a follow-up to the earlier opinion piece 'Makers and craftspeople make Amsterdam - so grant them a place to work'. In addition, makers can sign the manifesto and join the maakschap. Maakschap Amsterdam aims to connect makers, share knowledge among them and jointly lobby for a better makers' policy.  

About Centrinno

Together with Pakhuis de Zwijger and the Hout- en Meubileringscollege, Waag investigates in the project Centrinno what makers mean for the city.

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The Centrinno project is financed by the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 of the European Union under grant no. 869595.