Creative Learning Lab

BrainBeliefs is a research project in the field of neurofeedback, (developing) a growth mindset and learning motivation and performance. Can neurofeedback interventions promote a growth mindset and thus affect learning performance and/or motivation?

Having a so-called growth mindset means that you understand that the brain is plastic, intelligence is dynamic and that brain changes are influenced by effort. In this research project by Nienke van Atteveldt of the Free University, it is investigated whether the brain's plasticity experience through neurofeedback influences the development of a growth mindset and hence on learning performance and/or motivation. Waag and Marloeke van der Vlugt investigate and develop visual, auditory and tactile neurofeedback protocols and interventions.

The collaboration has been established following our Hack the Brain Education 2015 project. The winning prototype of this hackathon was inspired by a presentation by Nienke van Atteveldt about the growth mindset. The developers, including Marloeke van der Vlugt and Taco van Dijk, are part of the Waag team that will carry out the requested work.

BrainBeliefs and the project BrainHack both belong to the efforts of Waag to prove that art, design and creative research, together with neuroscience and technology, can lead to societal meaningful collaborations and results.

Meta data

Project duration

1 Aug 2017 - 1 Jul 2018




  • ERC Starting Grant
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Nienke van Atteveldt