Culturele Maakkaravaan
Thanks to digitization, technology is ubiquitous present in the city. Yet technology is not equally accessible to all citizens and they are not always aware of the consequences of using technological devices. For example, many elderly people find it difficult to understand technology and keep up with the rapid developments and many people think that they have nothing to hide online. However, few people read the terms of use and privacy policies of the websites they visit or the apps they use. Or know what exactly happens with their online data. How do we turn Amsterdam into a free, inclusive and creative digital city in which everyone can participate and in which different voices get an equal position?
Waag collaborates with the City of Amsterdam in the project Culturele Maakkaravaan to explore and improve the relationship between Amsterdam citizens and the digital city. Culturele Maakkaravaan is a traveling series of creative sessions in libraries, Makerspaces and community centers in various parts of Amsterdam. During this first session in Amsterdam Zuidoost, Waag investigates together with residents, policy makers and creative makers: where does technology affect your life? Where does the use of technology cause problems and where does it create opportunities?
These perspectives form the basis for a creative process that makes the problems and opportunities of technology tangible. In the various creative sessions, prototypes of possible ideas and solutions are developed through co-creation. Finally, the findings will be presented in the form of an exhibition to the district chairman, various policymakers and interested local residents.
On Friday, December 13, the first pilot of the Culturele Maakkaravaan is taking place in Amsterdam Zuidoost. Tanja Jadnanansing - chairman of the daily management of the Zuidoost district - is present on behalf of the district. Based on the results of this first pilot, we are exploring the further route of the Culturele Maakkaravaan through the various districts of Amsterdam.
Do you live or work in Amsterdam Zuidoost and do you want to discus how we can improve the relationship between Amsterdammers and the digital city? Contact gro.gaaw@akset .
The Cultural Craft Caravan is organized on behalf of and in collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam.