Golden @penstaart Awards
For years, the Golden @penstaart was an award for the best children's cd-rom and website of the year. From the shortlist - composed by adults and children - the children's juries choose the final winners. Over sixhundred children between age 9 - 12 took part in the selection process.
The Golden @penstaart elections were held between 1999 and 2004 as a yearly event. The project was a joint effort of Waag, the Stichting Lezen (Reading Foundation), and in a later stage also ProBiblio and the public libraries of PBC N-B. The aim of the Golden @penstaart elections was to make children aware of their own criteria in their judgement of new media productions.
Children learned in a playful way to think, discuss and judge the new media offered on cd and the internet. It offered primary schools the opportunity to get accustomed with the role that new media can play in education and made visible the way children handle the new media.
As from 2007, the foundation Mijn Kind Online (My Child Online) took over the Golden @penstaart Awards.
Meta data
Project duration
- ProBiblio
- Stichting Lezen
- Openbare Bibliotheken